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2024 PYP Geelong Year 4: How we express ourselves: How we express ourselves

Central theme




   1. The historical origins and symbols of global celebrations and commemorations. 

   2. The common themes and modes of expression within celebrations and


   3. The connection between celebrations and commemoration with cultural identity. 


Religious Celebrations

Helpful Web Links

Databases to explore

Use the below databases to research celebrations and commemorations.

BRITANNICA search tips: type in "celebrations" to get a list of celebrations to explore or type in the the celebration you are looking for.

WORLD BOOK search tips: search "celebrations" to find a list of celebrations to explore. Also search with the specific celebration such as "Diwali" or "Halloween".

Brain Pop Jnr search tips: use the word "celebration".

Brain Pop search tips: use "celebrations", "commemorations" or be more specific "day of the dead" for example.


CELEBRATION: A celebration is a special enjoyable event that people organise because something pleasant has happened or because it is someone's birthday or anniversary. (Collins Dictionary)

COMMEMORATION: something that is done to remember officially and give respect to a great person or event. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Celebrations and Commemorations

Below are links to short films about Celebrations and Commemorations.