Provides information on Australian and international economies and markets, including analysis and forecasts of key industries.
Resources for Economists on the Internet links to economic data, mailing lists, job information, journals, publishers etc.
Reserve Bank of Australia provides Australian economic information.
IDEAS RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort between numerous educational institutions and is the largest Economics bibliographic database available.
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) is Australia's financial safely regulator. APRA is an independent statutory authority that is accountable to the Australian Parliament.
Excellent Bank for International Settlements (BIS)hub for all central bank, research, speeches.
Hub for world economic outlook, country reports, financial stability reports, etc.
OECD outlook, reports, policy issues, etc.
Asian Development Bank
South East Asian Central Banks, Research Centre
World Bank for reports, research, data, etc.
Australian financial markets
World and Asian financial news
News, analysis and comment from the Financial Times.
Aggregation of variety of interesting market research