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APA Referencing: Music


Thank you to the University of Newcastle Library for permission to publish this information from their LibGuides.

SLASA tool option


Recorded music


General Notes:

  • It is not necessary to specify how you listened to the album or song (CD or streaming).
  • Where the music is only available online (e.g. via Soundcloud) include a URL in the reference.
  • Add the description of [Album] or [Song] in square brackets after the title.
  • Finish the reference with the name of the record label, unless the work is classical, where the original publishing year should be added.

Artist Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of album [Description]. Label.

Single song

Artist Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of song [Description]. On Title of album. Label.

Classical music album

Composer Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of album [Album recorded by Artist Name]. Label(Original work published Year)

Classical music song

Composer Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of song [Song recorded by Artist Name]. On Title of album. Label(Original work published Year)


Reference list examples:


CHVRCHES. (2018). Love is dead [Album]. Liberator Music.

Eurythmics. (2005). Love is a stranger [Song]. On Ultimate collection. RCA.

Initial Talk. (2020). Dua Lipa – Physical [Initial Talk remix] [Song].

Larsson, Z. (2017). So good [Album]. Ten; Epic.

Mozart, W. A. (2011). Concerto for violin and orchestra, no. 4 in D major, K.218 [Song recorded by Pinchas Zukerman and the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra]. On Concerto for violin and orchestra, no. 4 in D major, K.218. Deutsche Grammophon. (Original work published 1775)

Ronson, M. (feat. Cabello, C.). (2019). Find u again [Song]. On Late night feelings. Columbia.


Need to quote from a video or audio content?


APA allows the use of a 'timestamp' for both direct quoting and paraphrasing from these sources.

Check the time that the quote starts and use that in place of a page number, e.g. (Moorhouse, 2015, 1:13:20). Here the 1:13:20 refers to 1 hour 13 minutes 20 seconds into the film, where the quote we want starts.

Hours/minutes/seconds follows the pattern H:MM:SS

Minutes/seconds follows the pattern MM:SS

Where you are only using seconds (e.g. for a short clip), use a zero at the front, e.g. 0:39 for 39 seconds.