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PYP Geelong Year 5: How we organise ourselves: How we organise ourselves




  1. Societies needs and wants.

  2. How goods and services are sourced and allocated.

  3. Consumer responsibility and decision making.

Finance and Money

FINANCIAL LITERACY: is the ability to use informed knowledge and skills to manage one's financial resources effectively.

Why go to a Farmers Market?

Databases to explore



Britannica: search "fair trade" (look at the Related tab also), "consumerism", "trade", "finance".

World Book: search "fair trade laws", "consumer protection", "trade", "money".

Gale (Middle School): Gale provides information from a wide variety of sources. Search: "fair trade", "consumerism", "economy". The drop down boxes will make some useful suggestions.

Brain Pop: search "Economics" to get a variety of information related to finances.

What is Fairtrade?

Economy and Trade