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France - Towns and Cities: General


                                                                                                    France And The Eiffel Tower Stock Photo                                                            

Year 7 Focus on France Project.

You may work with a partner.

You have your first French lesson this week to find out the following information about the town or city in France that you have been given:

  • Where it is in France (mention the region of France, mountains, ocean, border with other countries)
  • Population with the year that this population was recorded
  • Whether a river goes through the city and if so, the name of the river (some towns may be close to a river, or the river may run along the outside of the city)
  • Type of town or city it is (industrial, agricultural, tourist, historic – it may be a combination of these)
  • Whether it manufactures, grows or exports anything
  • Whether it has a speciality cheese, recipe or drink (or the region does)
  • At least one tourist attraction (museum, château, winery for example)
  • Climate
  • Two other things you can do there (what are its shops like? Stadium? Restaurants? Cinema? Theatre?)
  • Whether it has a soccer or rugby team (or another sport)
  • One other fact about the city (e.g. when it was founded, whether there was a battle there, etc.)

You will use your information to create a poster about the town that you have researched.

You must complete this by ____________________________.

You must leave your poster in the classroom.

We will supply you with A3 paper for your poster but if you wish, you can bring in your own poster paper. You can write on the poster or type, print and glue onto the poster.

Acknowledge your sources on the back of your poster.

The main sources you will use are on the GGS Library website.

Helpful Online Resources

Click on the map to find which towns are in which region