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English Year 7: Indigenous Voices

Sally Morgan


Find out more about Sally Morgan and Sister Heart by following the links below.

Focus on Short Stories

Short stories may be seen as a very small package where serious issues are explored. The writing needs to be precise and strong. The structure put together with thought and purpose. Below are some examples of Indigenous short stories in the library; these stories are based on real people and in some cases are the people talking about their lives. They are very personal.


Baker Boy, Briggs and Thelma!

Lyrics as Poetry

Alice Cobby Eckerman and Oodgeroo Noonuccal

Follow the below links to discover more about Alice Cobby Eckermannn and Oodgeroo Noonuccal.

Indigenous Fiction in the Library

The above books may be written by Indigenous writers (Anita Heiss, Bruce Pascoe, Sally Morgan, Jane Harrison, Ambelin Kwaymullina and Ezekiel Kwaymullina)  or are about Indigenous life.


Poetry is a very powerful way of telling a story. Below are some Indigenous Australian SLAM poets performing as well as a list of more traditional Indigenous poets.

Indigenous Poets/Writers (there is MANY more)


Kevin Gilbert (1933 - 1993)

Oodgeroo Noonuccal (Kath Walker) (1920 - 1993)

David Unaipon (1873 - 1967)

Jack Davis (1917 -2000)

Mudrooroo (Colin Johnson) (1938 -2019)

Eva Johnson (1946 -)

Sally Morgan (1951-)

Alice Cobby Eckerman (1963 - )

Alice Eather (1988 - 2017)

Bruce Pascoe ( 1947 - )

Alexis Wright (1950 - )


The above film Fire Front: First nations Poetry and Power Today is a long doco on indigenous poetry and word. 

Digital stories

DUST ECHOES is a collection of animated Dream Time stories. Below is the direct link to all.