Design & Thinking - Educational License
Use encyclopedias on the REFERENCE RESOURCES page to locate background information about your topic and use dictionaries to find definitions or explanations of words and concepts. (Do not use Wikipedia for definitions) The State Library databases are particularly useful for biographical information about artists and for finding images.
Start your search for BOOKS in the Fisher Library. The library has a very good collection of art books but for many topics you will need to get books from other libraries. This page tells you how to search other libraries for books and how to organise an inter-library loan. You may also benefit from joining and using the resources of other libraries. Details are on this page.
Use the ARTICLES IN ONLINE DATABASES page to locate journal articles. Journal articles are useful for two reasons. Firstly, they are usually the first place that research is published so they are a good source of current information. Secondly, as journal articles are relatively short they are likely to be more specific than a book.
WEBSITES Numerous websites which are useful for images, galleries, individual artists and art history are listed on this page.
Google is useful for finding certain types of information such as government reports, official statistics, TV and radio transcripts. Use the advanced search screen to locate specific sorts of information. Use Google Scholar to search for academic books, working papers and journal articles as a supplement to searching the databases on the Articles in Databases page.
Use the NEWS! page to search for arts news websites and also current and older newspapers. See the Newspaper page on the Australian History Libguide if you need to access older Australian newspapers.
If you find a citation or an abstract to a journal article on either a database or Google Scholar and you want to see the full text of the article, ask a librarian and we will try to access it for you.
For further assistance ask the library staff in the Fisher Library. Also use the Ask a Librarian services listed at the bottom of this page.
Copies of all GGS students’ extended essays are kept in the Fisher Library. They have been catalogued and can be searched on the library catalogue by entering the keywords extended essay. To narrow the search, enter the subject as well. (ie extended essay art) Please ask at the library desk if you would like to see these. Selected essays have been scanned and are available through the catalogue and below.
Essays from the IBO Excellent Essays CD's are also available alongside this box.
Apps in Education website
Click here to view a list of Art iPad apps.
(Note: only a few are free)