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VCE Studio Arts: Books

Inter-Library Loans

We are able to obtain books from other universities through inter-library loans. As there is a charge to the library for each book, please choose carefully.  You can search for interlibrary loans through Libraries Australia (Trove).

Ask Lee Allen  ( in the Fisher Library if you wish to order an inter-library loan.

Joining Deakin Library

Deakin University

If you live near a Deakin University campus it may be beneficial to take out membership to Deakin University Library. The cost is $20 per year for secondary students.  The University will not mail out or transfer books from other branches for students, so you need to be able to visit the campus in person. Collections vary at each campus so check their catalogue before you join.(Waterfront has a collection of art books) Locations of Deakin University libraries:

Deakin University:
Membership details                                                                                                             

Finding Books in the Fisher Library

Use the library catalogue to find books. Start with a keyword search. When you have found a relevant title click on the hyperlinked subjects on the catalogue record to find other related titles.

Art books in the Fisher Library are kept in several locations.
Books less than 27 cm high are kept on the non fiction shelves.
Art books which are between 27cm and 36cm tall and have call numbers between Q700 and Q759.999 are kept in the Quarto Art collection near the tables.
Q760- (graphic arts - printmaking), Q770- (photography) are kept in the Quarto section which is the last bay of shelves.
Books over 36cm are kept in the QL section which is on the bottom shelf at the end of the Quarto shelves.

Geelong Regional Library

Students can join the library as individuals. A parent's signature is needed for students under 18.If you live outside Geelong consider joining the library where you live if you are not already a member.

Search the   Catalogue  

Free Art Books from Getty Publications

Free digital backlist titles from the Getty Publications Archives.

Free Art Books from The Met Museum

Free Art Books from the Guggenheim