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VCE Studio Arts: Digital Film Clips

Video - GGS Subscriptions

Film Clips from Australian Screen

The Australian Screen website has 48 visual art film clips with teacher notes. Use the Search box.

Visual arts

National Gallery of Australia

Short Conversations - Video Clips about Art Works

This site contains videoclips of art critics discussing specific  works of art. Click on the logo above and then enter the artist's name in the search box. Video clips are arranged in chronological groups  starting from 400 C.E. Ancient Cultures and go through to 1960- Age of Post-Colonialism.

The video clip below is one example of what is available.

Google Art Project

Art21 - YouTube

Art Babble

TED Talks

'Artists, designers and curators share their work, their process and their vision. Watch TED Talks from sculptors, painters, illustrators and photographers -- and those who blur the boundaries.' (website)


Indianapolis Museum of Art youtube