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IB History: Online Databases

History resources for IB

Reference Databases & E- Books


Multi Subject Databases - Reference, Journal Articles etc.


The State Library subscribes to databases containing thousands of journal and newspaper articles.

You can search all of the databases at once (Click on the logo above and then click Search the catalogue and Select Articles from the drop down box) or you can search  the databases  individually.

JSTOR: The Scholarly Journal Archive    - Highly recommended
Full-text digitised back issues of important journals covering all subjects from the first issue (some as early as 1700). Currency of the articles varies, with most within 1 to 5 years of the current issue.

Academic Search Premier and MasterFile Premier (EBSCO)
Full text for over 5000 journals (from 1975 onwards), reference books, photos and maps. Includes some peer-reviewed titles. Wide subject range - international coverage, some Australian material.

General OneFile 1980- (Gale)
Full-text news and journal articles on a wide range of topics across all subjects. Includes selected encyclopaedias and specialised reference e-books from Gale Virtual Reference Library. Broad range with mainly international coverage and some Australian material.

Periodicals Index Online (PCI)
Indexes humanities and social sciences journals with coverage from the 18th century to 1996. Includes journals in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

Proquest 5000
Full-text and index of business, education, humanities, medicine, social science, science and technology. International coverage, some Australian material.

Discovery (National Archives UK) This archive holds over 11 million British historical government and public records from the last 1,000 years. Currently over 5% of records can be downloaded in PDF format. Note: some files may need additional software to open.

Ebsco Historical Abstracts Annotated bibliography of the history of the world, excluding the United States and Canada, from 1450 to the present. Includes abstracts and citations to academic journal articles, books and dissertations written from 1955 to the present. Includes history of education, women's history and military history.

Empire Online This Adam Matthew resource brings together manuscript, printed and visual primary source materials for the study of 'Empire' from the last five centuries, primarily relating to Britain. Please note: this is a secure website.

The First World War Drawn from archives from across the globe, these collections of primary sources cover propaganda, recruitment, and the lives and experiences of men and women during the First World War.

London Low Life This database is a full-text searchable resource for street culture, social reform and the Victorian era underworld in London. It contains colour digital images of rare books, ephemera, maps and other materials relating to 18th, 19th and early 20th century London. Some secondary resources, including interactive maps, are also included.

National Library Databases



LOGIN WITH YOUR NATIONAL  LIBRARY BARCODE NUMBER National Library of Australia has a wide range of databases and offers free membership to Australian residents. The Library will mail out membership cards.